Ok Kiddies its Daemon (From Newnet and LiquidLSD on Undernet & EFnet) here bring you the first of many useful Add-Ons for mIRC 4.72 _ONLY_! (Though you may be able to tweak them for other versions im sure as hell not screwing with it!) To install it just add the stuff I tell you to where I tell you to add it.... simple enough? I hope so! Well see ya and look 4 me on NewNet at #RaveClub or #14teen ------------------------- Add this to your Commands list in your Events section: 1:*: { if ($parm1 == yes) && (%set.vote == ON) && (%vote. [ $+ [ $address ] ] != taken) { inc %vote.yes .notice $nick Thank You for Voting 13YES set %vote. $+ $address taken set %info $timestamp $fulladdress voted 13YES set %halt ON goto end } if ($parm1 == no) && (%set.vote == ON) && (%vote. [ $+ [ $address ] ] != taken) { inc %vote.no .notice $nick Thank You for Voting 13NO set %vote. $+ $address taken set %info $timestamp $fulladdress voted 13NO set %halt ON goto end } if ($parm1 == yes) || ($parm1 == no) { halt } else { set %info $timestamp  %chan $parm1  $parm2 request by $fulladdress } :end unset %info if (%halt == ON) { unset %halt | halt } } --------------------------- Add the Below to your Pop-Ups (The Nickname List one) Vote kick { if (set.vote == ON) { aecho You are already conducting a vote | halt } msg # Vote to Kick $nick off $chan :12 $1 $+ . /ctcp $me YES to vote to kick the user, /ctcp $me NO for them to Stay. Results in One Minute!! set %vote.channel # set %vote.nick $1 set %vote.reason The Kicking of4 $1 set %set.vote ON set %vote.kick ON set %vote.ctcp [ %set.ctcp ] set %set.ctcp 10 .timer 1 70 result } Vote Kick/Ban { if (set.vote == ON) { aecho You are already conducting a vote | halt } msg # Vote On the Kick/Ban of :12 $1 $+ . /ctcp $me YES to Vote Yes to Kick/Ban User, /ctcp $me NO for them to stay. Results in One Minute!! set %vote.channel # set %vote.nick $1 set %vote.reason The KickBanning of4 $1 set %set.vote ON set %vote.kb ON set %vote.ctcp [ %set.ctcp ] set %set.ctcp 10 .timer 1 70 result } -------------------------- Add the Below to your Alisais: /result { if (%set.vote != ON) { aecho No vote | halt } if (%vote.yes == $null) { set %vote.yes 0 } if (%vote.no == $Null) { set %vote.no 0 } msg %vote.channel Results for vote on :12 %vote.reason msg %vote.channel %vote.yes people voted 12YES %vote.no people voted 12NO if (%vote.kick == ON) && (%vote.yes > %vote.no) { kick %vote.channel %vote.nick The people decided to kick you!} elseif (%vote.kb == ON) && (%vote.yes > %vote.no) { ban -u60 %vote.channel %vote.nick 3 | kick %vote.channel %vote.nick The people decided to Kick/Ban You! (Unbanned in 60sec} set %set.ctcp [ %vote.ctcp ] unset %vote.* set %set.vote OFF } -------------------- Credits: Programmed By: Daemon Inspirational Music: Chemical Brothers, KMFDM, Bush, Zoo Rave, Enigma, Beck, Fluke Shout Outs: 2600 Mag, Kevin Mitnick, RaveRChiC, Phiber Optik, ChanServ, and all those IRCops EVERYWHERE! My Web Page: http://members.iglou.com/jwilk -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6.2 mQCNAzIc19oAAAEEAMWEgZIDMxl1l2qDOjNNu7aLpEEtnM/9gkWzB+SWwiNMOxvR ZAodrAfce1szkQnHJtwTNSiLrx/iY4FRZdWmqY+N/HEQGNEZquyGcgx0Pu4snex7 EwQF0QSlXSQym1RlLENYnNpChBDaSfLTfDs7X0U7af4u6kj54cgNt2eE0T6hAAUR tB9CbGFrZSBXZWhsYWdlIDxqd2lsa0BpZ2xvdS5jb20+ =kgVb -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Catch Ya LaterZ, Daemon**